
Answers section

Questions 3.2a

  1. What is the colour of the universal indicator solution?
  2. What is the colour of the roll of universal indicator paper?
  3. How many colours are there on the colour chart?
  4. What is the neutral colour of universal indicator solution?
  5. What are the lowest and highest numbers used to label the colours?
  6. What is common in the colours labelled (a) 1 to 6------ (b) 8 to 14? ---------

Answers to Questions 3.2a

  1. Green
  2. Yellow
  3. 14
  4. Green
  5. 0 and 14
    1. Colour is generally red but fades gradually to green from 1 to 6.
    2. The colour is generally blue but fades gradually to green from 14 to 8.