
Answers section

Questions 4.2

  1. Which component of air will be:
    1. the first to liquefy during cooling ------------------------
    2. the last to liquefy during cooling --------------------------
    3. the first to boil during distillation --------------------------------
  2. Search the Internet for --------------------------------------------
    1. two uses of helium -----------------------------------------------
    2. one use of argon ---------------------------------------------
    3. one use of neon --------------------------------------------
    4. one use of carbon (IV) oxide -----------------------------------

Answers to Questions 4.2

    1. Oxygen
    2. Helium
    3. Helium
    1. Helium: Used in coloured advertisement lamps, deep sea diving cylinders
    2. Argon: Provides inert atmosphere in arc welding
    3. Neon: Used in advertisement lamps, indicator lamps of electronics (LED)
    4. Freezing of ice cream