
Answers section

Questions 2.2d

  1. Describe the observations made when a burning piece of magnesium is lowered into a jar full of dry oxygen gas.
  2. Write chemical equations for the burning of
    1. beryllium in oxygen
    2. magnesium in oxygen
    3. calcium in oxygen
  3. Alkali earth metals react with steam, as well as oxygen gas. What is common in the products of both reactions?

Answers to Questions 2.2d

  1. The metals burn brightly in oxygen gas to form white fumes that settle as white powder (metal oxides).

  2. (a) 2Be(s)   +   O2(g)  ⟶   2BeO(s)
    (b) 2Mg(s)   +   O2(g)  ⟶   2MgO(s)
    (c) 2Ca(s)   +   O2(g)  ⟶   2CaO(s)

  3. In both reactions, metal oxides are produced.