
Answers section

Questions 2.2(e)

  1. Describe the observations made when a burning piece of magnesium is lowered into a jar full of dry chlorine gas.
  2. Write chemical equations for the burning of
    1. beryllium in chlorine gas
    2. magnesium in chlorine gas
    3. calcium in chlorine gas

Answers to Questions 2.2(e)

  1. Magnesium burns in chlorine gas with a bright white flame to produce a white solid (magnesium chloride).

  2. (a) Be(s)   +   Cl2(g)  ⟶   BeCl2(s)
    (b) Mg(s)   +   Cl2(g)  ⟶   MgCl2(s)
    (c) Ca(s)   +   Cl2(g)  ⟶   CaCl2(s)