
Answers section

Questions 2.2(f)

  1. Describe the observations made when magnesium metal is added to dilute hydrochloric acid.
  2. Write a chemical equation for the reaction between
    1. beryllium and hydrochloric acid
    2. magnesium and hydrochloric acid
    3. calcium and hydrochloric acid

Answers to Questions 2.2(f)

  1. Vigorous effervescence occurs. A colorless and odorless gas that extinguishes a burning splint with a pop sound is produced. A colorless solution is formed, which turns blue litmus red.

  2. (a) Be(s)   +   2HCl(aq)  ⟶   BeCl2(aq)   +   H2(g)
    (b) Mg(s)   +   2HCl(aq)  ⟶   MgCl2(aq)   +   H2(g)
    (c) Ca(s)   +   2HCl(aq)  ⟶   CaCl2(aq)   +   H2(g)