
Answers section

Questions 6.2.3

  1. For the reaction between carbon and concentrated sulphuric acid, water, sulphur (IV) oxide and carbon (IV) oxide are the products. Write the equation for the reaction.

  2. How can we show that water is produced?

  3. For the reaction with concentrated nitric acid, water, nitrogen (IV) oxide and carbon (IV) oxide are produced. Write the equation for the reaction.

Answers to Questions 6.2.3

  1. C(s)   +   2H2SO4(l)   ⟶   2H2O(l)   +   2SO4(g)   +   CO2(g)

  2. Add anhydrous copper (II) sulphate, which is white. It turns blue. Or, add anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride, which is blue. It turns pink.

  3. C(s)   +   4HNO3(l)   ⟶   2H2O(l)   +   4NO2(g)   +   CO2(g)