Answers section
Questions 3.2.4
- What is the property of ethene that allows for the method of collection shown in the set-up (Figure 3.2.3)?
- What is the colour, if any, of ethene?
- Comment on the boiling and melting point of ethene and other alkenes.
- Comment on the solubility of ethene in carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane).
- How does the density of ethene compare with that of air (C = 12; H = 1; O = 16; N = 14)?
Answers to Questions 3.2.4
- Ethene is largely insoluble in water.
- Ethene is a colourless gas.
- Ethene is soluble in tetrachloromethane.
- Being a gas, ethene (and other alkenes) has low boiling and melting points.
- Ethene is slightly less dense than air (RMM = 28, i.e. 12x2 + 1x4; of air = 29).