
Answers section

Questions 3.2.4

  1. What is the property of ethene that allows for the method of collection shown in the set-up (Figure 3.2.3)?
  2. What is the colour, if any, of ethene?
  3. Comment on the boiling and melting point of ethene and other alkenes.
  4. Comment on the solubility of ethene in carbon tetrachloride (tetrachloromethane).
  5. How does the density of ethene compare with that of air (C = 12; H = 1; O = 16; N = 14)?

Answers to Questions 3.2.4

  1. Ethene is largely insoluble in water.
  2. Ethene is a colourless gas.
  3. Ethene is soluble in tetrachloromethane.
  4. Being a gas, ethene (and other alkenes) has low boiling and melting points.
  5. Ethene is slightly less dense than air (RMM = 28, i.e. 12x2 + 1x4; of air = 29).