Answers section
Questions 3.2.5
Based on the demonstrations,
- What is the effect, if any, of ethene on a glowing splint and wet litmus paper?
- Describe what is observed when ethene is bubbled through chlorine water, and write an equation for the reaction.
- Ethene undergoes addition reaction with chlorine gas (and other halogens) even in the dark. Describe the observations made, and write an equation for the reaction.
- How can we use reaction with chlorine to distinguish ethene from ethane?
- Describe the effect of ethene on acidified (a) potassium manganate (VII) and (b) potassium chromate (VI).
- From the product, how can we know whether an alkene was reacted with chlorine water or chlorine gas?
- Ethene undergoes addition reactions with hydrogen halides (HCl, HBr, HI) to form alkyl halides. Write equations for the reaction with each hydrogen halide.
- As a hydrocarbon, ethene burns in the same manner as alkanes. Write an equation for the burning of ethene in oxygen.
- Ethene undergoes addition reaction with hydrogen gas (hydrogenation) to form ethane. A temperature of 140 oC and nickel catalyst are required. Write an equation for the reaction.
- Complete the statement, "Alkenes undergo addition reactions but alkanes undergo - - - reactions".
- Many (10 000 and more) molecules of the same ethene can combine with one another in a process called addition polymerization.
The product is polythene.
Write an equation for the reaction. - Alkenes react with concentrated sulphuric acid to form alkylhydrogensulphates. The ions H+ and HSO4- from the acid add to the double bond. Write the formula of the product.
Other reactions of ethene (and other alkenes)
Answers to Questions 3.2.5
- Ethene extinguishes a glowing splint and has no observable effect on wet litmus.
- Ethene turns chlorine water colourless (decolourizes chlorine water).
CH2CH2(g) + HOCl(aq) → CH2ClCH2OH(l) - Colour (of chlorine gas) changes from pale green to colourless.
CH2CH2(g) + Cl2(g) → CH2ClCH2Cl(l) (1,1-dichloroethane) - Reaction (and decolourization) with ethene occurs even in the dark; but reaction with ethane (an alkane) requires presence of light (ultraviolet light).
- Ethene decouries acidified potassium manganate (VII) solution. It turns potassium chromate (VI) from orange to green).
- With chlorine gas, the product is dichloroethane; but with chlorine water, the product has an -OH group on one carbon atom.
- CH2CH2 + HCl(g) → CH3CH2Cl
CH2CH2 + HBr(g) → CH3CH2Br
CH2CH2 + HI(g) → CH3CH2I - CH2CH2(g) + 3O2(g) → 2H2O(g) + 2CO2(g)
- CH2CH2(g) + H2(g) → CH3CH3(g) (in presence of nickel catalyst at 140 oC)
- "Alkenes undergo addition reactions but alkanes undergo substitution reactions".
- nCH2CH2 → (-CH2CH2-)n